Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cancer?

Human body is made up of trillions of cells. Normally, human cells grow and multiply in a controlled way to form new cells as the body needs them. When cells grow old or become damaged, they die, and new cells take their place. Sometimes this orderly process breaks down, and abnormal or damaged cells grow and multiply. Cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably.

What is a Tumor?

The cells that multiply in an uncontrolled manner may form tumors, which are lumps of tissue. Tumors can be cancerous or benign. Cancerous tumors spread into, or invade, nearby tissues and can travel to distant places in the body to form new tumors. Cancerous tumors may also be called malignant tumors. Benign tumors do not spread into, or invade, nearby tissues. When removed, benign tumors usually don’t grow back, whereas cancerous tumors mostly reoccur.

How does cancer develop?

Cancer is a genetic disease that is, it is caused by changes to genes that control the way our cells function, especially how they grow and divide. Genetic changes that cause cancer can happen because of errors that occur as cells divide, or damage to DNA caused by harmful substances in diet & environment, such as chemicals, tobacco, smoke, UV rays etc. or they are inherited from our parents. The body normally eliminates cells with damaged DNA before they turn cancerous. But the body’s ability to do so goes down in diseased conditions and also as we age. This is the reason why there is a higher risk of cancer in people with low immunity and also later in life beyond 50 years of age.

Why is cancer considered a deadly disease?

In spite of all advancements in medical science, cancer still is a deadly disease with highest death across the globe from a single medical condition totaling to 10 million+ patients per year. The survival rate in cancer patients is very low. 40% of cancer patients survive less than 02 years after being diagnosed and treated for cancer. Up to 62% of cancer patients will die within 05 years of diagnosis. For certain type of cancers, the survival rate is even low. For example, in case of pancreatic cancer, only 11% patients will live for 5 years or more. Cancer has the power to reoccur and kill. The cost of cancer treatment is very high. The cost of treatment is further increased due to late diagnosis and the consequent complications. And still, even with the best of medical care, there is a high mortality rate amongst patients.

What are the most common forms of cancer?

Lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach and liver cancer are the most common types of cancer in men, while breast, colorectal, lung, cervix and thyroid cancer are the most common among women.

What is the best safeguard against cancer?

The best way to win over cancer is to have healthy lifestyle and regular diagnostic tests procedures to detect any emerging cancer at an early stage. In USA & Canada, 5.2 million cancer deaths have been reduced annually, since the availability of advance genetic tests for early detection of cancer risk, due to possibility of an early intervention and treatment of patients. ASG Analysis is one such exclusive genetic test that allows early detection of cancer risk and allows the physician to early detect, avert, reverse or treat a cancer for longevity of patient.

What is ASG Analysis?

ASG Analysis is a Test to ascertain cancer risk in a patient by Genomic Sequencing of the patient DNA.

How does ASG Analysis identify Cancer risk?

Cancer genesis is due to multiple factors that cause sequential changes in the normal biochemical processes of the human body. These sequential changes lead to future tumors and cancer. These changes may appear in form of genomic variation and mutations in the DNA of the patient. ASG Analysis is a test to detect and identify such genetic mutations at a very early stage, usually 2-10 years prior to development of actual signs and symptoms of active cancer in the body.

How is ASG Analysis done?

ASG Analysis is a non invasive test done by taking a sample of patient saliva by a Sterile Oral Swab. It is not painful, no punctures are done and no needles are used. It is such a simple method that even the patient himself can take a sample and send to lab for analysis. Once the sample is drawn and labeled, it is sent to Friska Lab, Canada. Friska Lab is an accredited research lab with latest technological advancements and equipments for DNA analysis. At Friska Lab, the sample is analysed by competent personnel for gene mutations. The tests are conducted as per the standards and protocols laid down by ASGenes LLC, for detection of AS01 to AS17 mutant genes which correspond to increased risk of several type of cancer. The test usually takes two weeks to complete. Once the results arrive, a duly marked Test Report is sent to the Patient and Referring Physician.

Who can have ASG Analysis?

Any adult can have ASG Analysis to assess his/her cancer risk. Almost 40% of women and 29% of men will get Cancer in their lifetime. One in three women will have breast or cervix cancer and one in four men will have prostate, oral or GI cancer. All individuals above the age of 50 years are therefore advised to get ASG Analysis to assess their cancer risk. ASG Analysis is not done for infants, kids and juvenile under 18 years of age.

Who needs to do ASG Analysis compulsorily?

As explained in previous answer, all individuals above the age of 50 years are advised to get ASG Analysis to assess their cancer risk. However, patients with family history of cancer, patients who are smokers or consume tobacco or alcohol, people with sedentary lifestyle or diet rich in processed foods, people with low immunity or those with exposure to chemicals, UV rays, pollutants and adulterants, are at a high risk of getting cancer. Such patients are advised to get ASG Analysis at an early age of 30 years or as soon as possible.

Why to do ASG Analysis?

We advise to do Analysis to determine your cancer risk. Early detection of cancer will lead to early treatment, less complications, less treatment costs, better prognosis and longevity of patient.

How is ASG Analysis different from other genetic tests to detect cancer?

Currently available genetic tests detect either the hereditary mutations or the circulating tumor DNA. These tests are having low predictability of test results. Only 36% of the patients with hereditary mutations will progress to developing cancer while tests detecting CT-DNA have up to 70% false positive results. However, since cancer is caused due to changes in patient’s gene due to autoimmune host response signaling, and ASG Analysis detects only these changes, it is more accurate and precise in predicting the cancer risk for a given patient. In research & studies spanning more than 11 years, ASG Analysis has been found to have 88% sensitivity. That means 88 patients out of 100 patients, detected positive by ASG Analysis, will develop cancer within 10 years from the date of such test, if no medical intervention is availed.

When to plan for ASG Analysis?

We advise you to plan ASG Analysis as soon as possible to determine your 10 year cancer risk.

How to prepare for ASG Analysis?

No preparation is needed. ASG Analysis can be done at any time of the day, irrespective of food intake, ingestion of any routine medicines, status of menstruation, any prevailing disease or medical condition. The patient merely needs to give a saliva sample on a sterile oral swab.

How and where to get tested?

Patients can call country helpline no to give a missed call. A representative shall call back usually within 48 hours, to detail you about the test, and schedule an appointment for sample pick up. Alternatively, you can buy a sterile oral swab from the market, take saliva sample yourself or with the help of a relative or friend, and send to us along with the filled application form for ASG Analysis.

What is the normal cost of the ASG Analysis test?

The normal cost of ASG Analysis is Canadian $ 1200.

What is the subsidized cost of the ASG Analysis test?

In several countries of Asia & Africa, ASG Analysis test is subsidized by contributions from several Not for Profit Organisations. The Cost of ASG Analysis in India is INR 8000 only.

How to interpret results of ASG Analysis?

The results of the test should be discussed with a genetic counselor and physician for interpretation with respect to patient history and clinical factors, and to take appropriate further action. If ASG Analysis is Positive, it suggests high risk of cancer for the patient. The positive gene would correspond to the type of cancer that is more probable to appear in the patient. If ASG Analysis is Negative, it suggests less risk of patient to get cancer. A positive result for a clinically significant gene means that your lifetime risk of developing a cancer is significantly higher than an individual who does not have a mutation. It does not mean that you will definitely develop cancer. Similarly, a negative test result does not exclude cancer completely. The result of ASG Analysis should not be considered as absolute for the presence or absence of cancer. Positive test results require clinical intervention. Please see your physician for necessary action. He will discuss with you the details of your risk with reference to your health status, other diseases, comorbities, family history, clinical reports etc and will then decide to put you on Standard of Care or Intervention Therapy as per your approval.

What are the benefits of ASG Analysis and what types of cancers can be detected by ASG Analysis?

ASG Analysis is developed to give better insight into cancer risk. Genes can be turned on and off by lifestyle modifications. The benefit of ASG Analysis is that you can modify your lifestyle, diet, nutrition and supplement intake, exercise and activity schedule to reduce the cancer risk. You can also have regular diagnostic procedures & early clinical intervention to improve disease prognosis and induce longevity. Presently, the following set of genes have been identified which correspond to the following type of Cancer.Gene Type Gene Linked to Cancer AS01 Cancer of Cervix AS02 Cancer of Cervix, Vulva and Vagina AS03 Cancer of Kidney, Urinary Tract & Urinary Bladder AS04 Liver Cancer AS05 Breast Cancer in Females AS06 Cancer of Endocrine Glands AS07 Ovarian Cancer AS08 Pancreatic Cancer AS09 Lung Cancer AS10 Genetic Transmission of Cancer Genes to offspring by Male Parent AS11 Genetic Transmission of Cancer Genes to offspring by Female Parent AS12 Head, Brain and Neck Cancer AS13 Oral Cancer AS14 Prostate Cancer AS15 Bone and Skin Cancer AS16 Upper GI Cancers AS17 Colon Cancer

What if I already have cancer? Is ASG Analysis still useful for me?

ASG Analysis does not detect the normal biomarkers of active cancer physiology. It detects the genomic variations and mutations that happen in the human body due to altered autoimmune host response leading to future cancer.These genomic variations are progressive and consequential, which means that the identified AS Genes, AS1 to AS17, that are known to cause future cancer, may progress or further mutate with the onset of active cancer in the patient, to a genetic alteration, that may not be identified as cancer causing gene. Any person who is having an active cancer or has a history of cancer in the past, ASG analysis may not be able to detect that particular type of cancer. However, ASG Analysis will be able to diagnose the possibility of any other cancer in the body, apart from the one cancer type for which the patient is already suffering or has a medical history in the past. So, even patients of active cancer or those with a cancer history, ASG Analysis can still be useful to diagnose any possible risk of other cancers in the patient. We advise patients to get routine cancer screening for any active cancer in the body, as per the instructions of their physician.