ASG Analysis
Cancer is a threat to the life of a person, not only medically, but also in terms of physical and mental trauma. Cancer is the second largest cause of death across the globe after cardiovascular diseases. In spite of enormous research and advancements in technology of cancer research, diagnosis and treatment, most people diagnosed with cancer have a poor prognosis and majority of cancer patients succumb to this deadly disease within 5 years of diagnosis.
Today we have a lot of options for treatment of cancer that are efficient and could lead to complete cure of the disease in most cases. However, what is important is the timely diagnosis and early onset of treatment. Since cancer is a silent disease, the symptoms grow very slowly and are evident only after the disease has spread considerably. What is more disturbing is that the migration of merely a single cell from the site of tumor or cancer can lead to development of multi-centre cancer, generally called metastasis in medical terms. Once that happens, the prognosis of the disease becomes extremely poor, there is practically no respite for the patient and the life expectancy too is very low, mostly less than 02 years. Therefore, what is of immense importance is timely detection of cancer and an early intervention to treat it to attain complete cure.
Recent researchers have found linkages between various genetic modifications/ mutations during the lifetime of a person, owing to the altered autoimmune host response and several types of cancer. After profound research spanning over 13 years, the scientists have discovered a set of genes responsible for uncontrolled proliferation of tissue cells and consequent tumors & cancers. These genes are named Autoimmune Sequence Genes, or ASGenes namely AS1 to AS17. These genes express many years before the actual onset of the process of tumor growth. These genetic modifications can be diagnosed and assessed by genomic profiling of the DNA of a patient and the probability of the respective cancer can be predicted to a great extent.
Early Cancer diagnosis is now made possible with the development of ASG Analysis. ASG analysis is based on the early diagnosis of the changes or mutations in genes, that occur during the lifetime of a person, which lead to development of various type of tumor and cancers.
ASG Analysis is able to predict the prevalence of active mutations that will lead to tumor and cancers through a simple DNA test using the oral swab sample from the patient. Yes, that’s right. No Blood Samples, No radiological screenings, No exposure to Xray, CT/MRI, Radioactivity, Invasive FNAC or Biopsy tests. A simple Oral Swab of the patient can be used to detect a number of cancers, as early as 10 years from their actual onset in the body.
The early detection of cancer genes, leads to early intervention options, early treatment, fair prognosis and longetivity for the patient. An ASG positive test result that indicates an increased risk of developing cancer in the future, such patients may be able to take steps to lower their risk of developing cancer and do regular diagnostic tests to find cancer earlier & start early treatment. In a study spread over several years, it has been found that lifestyle modifications can lead to reversal of cancer causing genes in about 32% of patients. These are:
a. Change of food habits like eating whole grains, fruits, nuts etc and avoiding processed foods
b. Abstinence from alcohol and smoking,
c. Regular physical exercise,
d. Safeguard from exposure to chemicals & food adulterants, electromagnetic radiations, harsh sunlight and pollutants
It has also been found in the research that certain TNF Blocker drugs act on the vicious cycle of altered autoimmune host response, that causes modification and mutation of genes, to subsequent uncontrolled proliferation and tumors/cancers of the tissues. These TNF Blocker drugs have been found to be very effective in reversing the process of gene modification leading to reduced probability of cancer in future.
In a study performed over 08 years (still ongoing), it was found that an early intervention with a Monoclonal Antibody, can reverse the process of gene mutation or their carcinogenic effect in individuals and lead to cancer free survival for longer duration of time. The study participants that were given a particular Monoclonal Antibody in specified dosage, after detection of ASG positive genes, lead a completely cancer free life throughout the period of study while 39% of those who had ASG positive genes but were not given the intervention treatment became positive for some kind of cancer within 06 years from the date of test results. However, even these study participants were able to cure their respective cancer and lead a healthy life due to regular monitoring of symptoms and starting early chemotherapy/ surgical treatment as soon as they were found positive for cancer in regular cancer screening tests.

Convenience at Your
Experience hassle-free sample collection for your ASG Analysis without leaving your home. Our team will visit you, ensuring a convenient and comfortable process.
Lab Processing : Precision and Reliability
Trust in the expertise of Friska Research Lab in Canada for the most accurate and reliable ASG Analysis results. Benefit from cutting-edge technology and advanced genetic analysis methods.
Unveiling Your Genetic
Anticipate the arrival of your ASG Analysis reports, unlocking valuable genetic insights into your cancer risk profile. Empower yourself with knowledge for proactive healthcare decision-making.
Guidance Every Step of
the Way
Receive comprehensive pre and post-test counseling from our team of genetic experts. We'll guide you through the ASG Analysis process, address your concerns, and help you interpret the results.
ASG Analysis is of great significance in today’s perspective, especially in a country like India, where the prevalence of cancer is high and people are continuously exposed to food adulterants, chemicals, pollutants etc apart from lifestyle and genetic reasons for high occurrence of cancer.ASG Analysis is able to give valuable inputs on very common types of cancers that form almost 70% of the total cancer cases in the World. These include:
- Gynaecological cancers of Cervix, Ovaries and Breast.
- Prostate Cancer
- Liver, Colon and GI Cancer
- Oral Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Miscellaneous cancers, on which studies are ongoing.
As such, the ASG Analysis is of great diagnostic value in day to day practice of Physicians, Urologists, Gastroenterologists, Gynecologists, Pulmonologists etc, to ascertain the probability of these cancers in their patients , especially those with a family history, employment in hazardous industries or poor lifestyle. In this way , they can offer their patients an opportunity to early detect, avert, reverse or treat a cancer timely for long life expectancy.
What is more significant is that the genomic profiling and diagnosis of gene modifications of Autoimmune Sequence Genes can be done proactively much before, sometimes many years before the actual onset of disease and/or its symptoms. Thus we can evaluate the chances of having a particular type of cancer and also have an option to intervene pharmacologically to avert the chances of getting tumors or cancers in future.
Presently we have been able to identify genes responsible for only a few types of cancers and not all of them. The Autoimmune Sequence Gene Analysis gives us data about gene modification and alteration on different pairs of chromosome and an indication about the following types of cancers:
AS1 Cancer of Cervix
AS2 Cancer of Cervix, Vulva and Vagina
AS5 Breast Cancer in females
AS7 Ovarian Cancer
AS8 Pancreatic Cancer
AS9 Small Cell Lung Cancer
AS10 Genetic Transmission of Cancer Genes to offspring in male parent
AS11 Genetic Transmission of Cancer Genes to offspring in female parent
AS13 Oral Cancer
AS14 Prostate Cancer
AS17 Colon Cancer
Autoimmune Sequence Genes can predict probability of future cancer as well as probability of transmission of cancer genes from parents to off springs. In the event of a prominent AS gene in the parents, the offspring can be regularly monitored post age of 12 years for any signs or symptoms of cancer, subsequently offering early detection and timely intervention/ treatment to reduce disease complications, metastasis and mortality.